Whether we're shooting in the New York studio or in paradise in Jamaica...

i shoot boudoir photography in both new york & jamaica.

My focus is on creating a nonjudgmental and celebratory space. I love to empower you through boudoir photography to see the beauty that radiates both internally and externally.

on the playfulness & empowerment

"Once I realized how playful it is and how beautiful I felt when I was in the studio, that just made all my fears fall away and I was so excited to come back to the studio a second time."
— Brenda

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"The photos were stunning. I really thought I wasn't going to like very many of them, and I loved all of them! Literally all of them!"
— Lyndsay

You may have seen my book on

new york found. for the arts
world bride magazine
bridal expo jamaica
boudoir rule
Adagion Studio
the forward
function shooting

Press Features

Desire a shoot for yourself?

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